Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Backing Vocals

Synth Bass 2


Acoustic Guitar
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]

Tango Accordion
Oh why can't I be with you need? A newer im-proved ver-sion of me-e But I'm no-thing so good no, I'm no-thing Just bo-o-ones, a lone-ly ghost bur-ning down songs of vio-lence of love and of sor-row I beg for just one more to-mor-row where you hold me down, fold me i-in deep, deep, deep in the heart of your sins I break in two o-ver you-ou, oh I break in two And each piece of me dies And on-ly you can give the breath of life But you don't see me, you don't Here I'm pinned be-tween dark-ness and li-ght Bleached and blin-ded by these ni-ghts where I'm tos-sing and tor-tured 'til da-wn by you-ou-ou, vi-sions of you then you're go-ne. The shock bleeds the red from my fa-ce when I hear some-one's ta-king my pla-ce. How could love be so thoughtl-ess, so cru-el? When all, all that I did was for you I break in two o-ver you-ou, oh I break in two and each piece of me dies and on-ly you can give the breath of life But you don't see me, you do-n't I break in two o-ver you-ou, oh I break in two and each piece of me dies and on-ly you can give the breath of life But you don't see me, you do-n't I break in two o-ver you-ou, oh I break in two o-ver you, o-ver you I break in two-o-o I would break in two for you Now you see me Now you don't Now you need me Now you do-n't